These are the things that I would give up for a new 23" Asus ML Series 229H LED Monitor:

This is my favorite perfume, I would give it up for an Asus ML Series Monitor. I know I can live without perfume but I can't live without "Asus ML Series: True colors in every angle"!

Meet Seon Deok our lovely flower horn fish. She knows how much I love her. We already talk heart to heart, face to face, girl to girl and she understand. I would give her up for an Asus ML Series Monitor. Because she knew how much I needed "Asus ML Series: True colors in every angle". That's why she agreed about the deal, see.... she is such a wonderful and understanding fish!

Maja Blanca is one of my specialty, I keep my recipe as a secret...........oops that's not what you think....... I'm not selfish! It's a secret because this is the only thing I can be proud of. But I would give up my maja blanca recipe for an Asus ML Series Monitor. I will be more proud if I will have "Asus ML Series: True colors in every angle".
Want to know my new tagline? Here it is:
My Maja Blanca recipe is yours, Asus ML Series Monitor is mine!
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