by Leah HoughtonDon't look back at all those times you failed -
They are in the past
And can not be changed.
Don't look back on the painful losses -
They were not meant to be anyway.
Don't look back and cry over lost time -
For you are just wasting more time
and contradicting yourself.
Don't look back on everything you didn't get -
Focus on what you have
And how blessed you are to have them.
Don't look back and regret falling in love -
You enjoyed it while it lasted.
Shine on and don't look back.
WhenInManila will be having HD movie screenings every Wednesday starting 2011 at the BlueWater Day Spa luxury spa theater.
Join now for this HD Movie screening of Benjamin Button with your complimentary massage, snacks and giveaways this Wednesday, Jan 19, 2011 at 6pm.
They will pick 20 people to join at this very EXCLUSIVE and luxurious and relaxing event.
Please do stay tuned to Vince Golangco, Flair Candy and When In for bigger events in the future.